Monkey Tricks By Camilla Ashforth

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Horatio and James the rabbit and teddy bear from Horatio s Bed return in a brightly illustrated story about the coming of Johnny Conqueror a mischievious monkey with some puzzling tricks Monkey TricksI don t get it the story is weak like a granny would tell a grandchild about a child s own toys than one that relates to any child who didn t have a jointed bunny named Horacio The story was not relatable and didn t have a point Illustrations were good but I still found my myself asking why not going to seek out the other books by this author My loss 32 There is a wonderful note in the book for teachers and parents that talks about surrounding the children with forms of reading and writing and there are a few examples in the book Also in this book the stuffed animals are talking 32

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Monkey Tricks.