نساء عظيمات من العالم الإسلامي By Natalie Maydell

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Excellent book It has the layout of a children s book but the content is too complete and interesting to validate that pigeonhole The portraits are wonderful The time spanned is from Mohammed pbuh to the present day Excellent gift and or addition to one s own library. Book نساء عظيمات من العالم الإسلامي بعد إعادة There is a prominent article about it in the Variety section of my local newspaper the illustrations were created by a Minneapolis woman Heba Amin who moved here from Egypt to attend Macalester switched from Math to Art while there and went on to do post baccalaureate work and then get her MFA at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design It talks about the nine months she spent creating the portraits for each woman involving lots of research no pohotographs existed for most of the subjects Natalie Maydell An innovative and brilliant idea a book accessible to young girls looking for role models and adults interested in learning about Muslim women add to all that beautifully executed illustrations and you should have the formula for a perfect book right Well almost What I took issue with in this book is that it seemed like the author was trying to assimilate these women to certain western standards for example the artist Chibia Tallal is illustrated to look than 50 kilos thinner than her true self p95 why not show her for all her beauty as a role model for heavier set girls And our mother Khadija is said to have said she would marry only for love p13 there is no record of her ever having said that anywhere In fact in the records we have of her it would seem that she was looking for someone whose great purpose she could share She was a strong women looking for a great man whom she could help forge a whole nation why water it down to a Disney style fantasy But I still enjoyed it and most importantly learned about great strong Muslim women I did not know of which is what I wanted from this book in the first place Natalie Maydell Natalie Maydell The book was definitely a pleasure to read I even enjoyed reading it to my 11 year old sister who kept asking me to read to her the storytelling style of the book definitely caught her attention Although it contains some wrong historical data about Aisha Prophet Muhammad s wife and about Rabia a Al Adaweyyah This book shouldn t be your sole source of information about women in Islam Natalie Maydell Natalie Maydell

نساء عظيمات من العالم الإسلامي By Natalie Maydell
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PDF نساء عظيمات من العالم الإسلامي
FREEEsse um dos livros que escolhi para o desafio liter rio de abril que tem como tema Uma Hist ria Oriental e como ando num clima de ler mulheres falando sobre mulheres a resenha do ltimo livro da trilogia da Guinevere j vem aguardem nada melhor do que escolher um livro escrito por uma mulher ilustrado por outra mulher e que fale sobre mulheres mu ulmanas. نساء عظيمات من العالم الإسلامي pdfsand O livro em si bem simples consiste em cap tulos pequenos onde cada um fala sobre uma mulher importante na hist ria do mundo mu ulmano que muito maior do que as pessoas costumam imaginar As mulheres est o ordenadas de forma hist rica das mais antigas para as mais modernas e todo cap tulo possui uma ilustra o bel ssima da mulher em quest o. نساء عظيمات من العالم الإسلامي pdf Uma das coisas interessantes que todos os envolvidos nesse livro tamb m s o mu ulmanos e de diversos lugares diferentes E as mulheres retratadas s o t o diversas quanto os autores Coisa linda de ver Tem mulher santa poetisa guerreira educadora advogada intelectual e de lugares absurdamente diferentes Egito Ir Turquia I men ndia Nig ria e Ar bia Saudita Todas as mulheres retratas tem hist rias incr veis e a leitura r pida e uma del cia O nico por m que s o r pidas demais eu gostaria de saber mais sobre cada uma delas de t o incr veis que elas s o o nico defeito do livro. Book نساء عظيمات من العالم الإسلامي بعد إعادة As mulheres retratadas s o Khadija bint Khuwaylid da Ar bia primeira esposa do profeta Maom Aisha bint Abi Bakr da Ar bia esposa favorita do profeta e intelectual a maior parte dos Hadith s o de sua autoria Al Khansa da Ar bia poetisa pr isl mica que se converteu ao Isl e se tornou uma dos primeiros poetas mu ulmanos Rabia al Adawiyya do Iraque santa sufi um dos santos mais proeminentes do sufismo Arwa bint Ahmed al Sulayhiyya rainha do I men mulher de hist ria sensacional Sult o Razia da ndia Rainha guerreira de Delhi recebeu o t tulo de Sult o ao inv s de Sultana Nana Asmau da Nig ria intelectual poetisa e educadora do s culo XIX Tjut Njak Dien da Indon sia intelectual e l der guerrilheira Halide Edib Adivar da Turquia autora da nica autobiografia feminina que se passa durante a primeira guerra mundial na Turquia ativista dos direitos das mulheres Umm Kulthum do Egito cantora c lebre em todo o mundo rabe e uma das minhas dolas da m sica rabe Sabiha Gokcen da Turquia piloto militar filha adotada do fundador da Turquia moderna Ataturk um dos aeroportos de Istambul leva o seu nome Chaibia Tallal do Marrocos pintora do s culo XX Shirin Ebadi do Ir advogada ju za e ganhadora do Pr mio Nobel da Paz. نساء عظيمات من العالم الإسلامي book png Como eu disse s hist rias incr veis Natalie Maydell Natalie Maydell Natalie Maydell Natalie Maydell That book is amazing book to me One of the reasons why It s talk about real story of Muslim girls And it s a piece of art every story it s have beautiful design for it Natalie Maydell نساء عظيمات من العالم الإسلامي.