Vertigo (A Cantata) By Jordie Albiston
Vertigo boost
Vertigo A Cantata I picked this up in a Salvo s store on a whim while waiting for another place to open I read it that weekend in one night loved it Her natural rhythm is amazing all the heartbreak imagery hit me as it should I did question whether the full five stars could be given as every few poems I d be kinda stopped by something I didn t like Some turn of phrase that seemed trite or something similar it happened often enough to be noticeable But I feel to give it less than 5 would be unfair given how personal that is that in the GR lingo I really did think it was amazing. Mild vertigo book Can t wait to read it again take some time with it 0977578755 Albiston uses a combination of poetic and musical devices to create a unique body of poems I love the style of this anthology and the flow of images is wonderful The double meaning of a break up and the socio political themes she explores is also really interesting 0977578755
Vertigo (A Cantata) By Jordie Albiston |
0977578755 |
9780977578757 |
English |
51 |
Hardcover |
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