A Dark History: The Kings and Queens of Europe By Brenda Ralph Lewis

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A Dark History The Kings Queens of Europe offers a fascinating portrait of the dark side of European monarchy A Dark History The Kings and Queens of EuropeA Dark History: The Kings and Queens of EuropeBrenda Ralph Lewis is a writer with over 200 books on history and numerous magazine articles and television documentaries to her name Her fascination with Scottish history and culture began early in her career and she has since returned to the subject at every opportunity She regards her book on tartans as a labor of love. A dark historyn never This book was an impulse buy from a last chance table at a bookstore I won t name I flipped through it and instantly knew I had to have it The history nerd inside of me was really excited to open it Now.

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Ada Vlad III Dracul tiran yang seringkali berlebihan dalam menyingkirkan musuh musuh politiknya Vlad memiliki spesialisasi dalam membunuh dengan menusukkan tiang sula dari satu sisi tubuh menembus ke sisi yang lain Setelah itu membiarkan para musuhnya mati perlahan lahan secara menyakitkan dan mengerikan Tidak kurang 2. A dark history of modern philosophy 000 orang dibunuh dengan cara demikian Itulah sebabnya Vlad dijuluki Tepes yang berarti tukang sula Vlad juga kerap meminum dan memakan daging korbannya Kekejian Vlad inilah yang menjadi sumber inspirasi Bram Stoker untuk menulis novel Dracula yang terbit tahun 1897 hal 40 41. EPub A Dark history search Dari Prancis.

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Dan pengaruh kerajaan tetap berada dalam genggaman keluarga Namun perkawinan antarkeluarga dekat itu nyaris mendekati hubungan inses dan menghasilkan keturunan yang seperti monster yang begitu rusak baik fisik maupun mental sehingga keluarga mereka tidak berani mengungkapkan keberan tentang kondisi mengerikan itu. Dark history podcast Seperti Dinasti Hapsburg dari Spanyol dan Dinasti Wittelsbach dari Bavaria yang dipusingkan dengan sifat tidak waras yang diturunkan dalam keluarga beserta manifestasi manifestasinya yang mencengangkan Mereka mengalami penderitaan sepanjang masa yang termasuk di antaranya ketakutan ketakutan tidak wajar.

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And illness within certain royal families 1905704909 This book talks about mental illness and anything other than cisgender heterosexuality as if it were something horribly odd to be gawked at It also talked about the people with in the book in a disrespectful and dehumanizing way The research is half assed as well In the King Ludwig II section alone there were several claims made by Lewis that 30 seconds either on google or with McIntosh s biography would disprove a hundred times over She also excludes quite a bit from her chapters when certain bits of information don t seem to suit the narrative she wishes to sell. History of dark mode This book to me seemed like a case of someone trying to spin a narrative or an interesting story for the sake of spinning a narrative or making an interesting story.

EPub A Dark history search

Beneath the splendor and sophistication of the monarchies of continental Europe are tales of scandal mystery and skullduggery A Dark History The Kings Queens of Europe peels away the glitz to take a wry look at what really happened in the corridors bedrooms and dungeons of European power from the Middle Ages to the present day. A dark history of chocolate Spanning the whole of mainland continental Europe this history includes the burning of the Knights Templar Vlad the Impaler s stakes Elizabeth Bathory s bloodbaths Louis XV s womanizing the mystery of the Man in the Iron Mask King Ludwig I s doomed love affair the suicide pact of Austro Hungary s Crown Prince Rudolf and the troubled life and tragic death of Princess Grace of Monaco Tales of murder insanity obsessive love and horrific torture illuminate the troubles of royal dynasties inter breeding and empire with examples drawn from Spain Belgium Romania Sweden the Netherlands Austro Hungary Germany and France Illustrated throughout with contemporary paintings and engravings alongside modern photography because of this I don t know how many of you will enjoy reading this but I suggest you give it a try Anyone remotely interested in monarchies the lives of royals Europe or even the slightest bit in Europe should give this book a try I really enjoyed it and finished it with super speed. A black history fact Unfortunately I didn t get a chance to do my RAIR method because I mostly used this book for reading before bed It was a great book to relax and unwind with The author obviously did a TON of research and this is what made the book Had it been half done then I don t think it would have been nearly as good The pictures were fantastic and really made the stories come to life As a visual person this made the book all the enjoyable to read I did make the mistake of only skimming the synopsis so I was hoping for a section on British monarchs Closer inspection corrected my misconception. A black history poster Though I really did enjoy this book there are a few things I took exception to This book claimed to cover all the scandals of the Continental European monarchies but it glossed over quite a few An example of this would be the Romanians The book certainly covered the main ones with Bathory and Vlad the Impaler but I almost wanted a little bit In addition the French section only covered the two kings that came before Louis XVI I know there are so many books and movies and writings on the last monarchs before the French Revolution but I believe they contributed a great deal to the last step of the downfall I have to grant that one can t expect a book to be the penultimate source but it felt like these countries were a little bit glossed over Still I must say that my favorite monarchies have to be the Belgium and Austro Hungary ones I think at least here in the United States we have this sense that these countries are portrayed as stuffy and unshakable This book made them seem much realistic Their tragedies and histories were by far some of the most fascinating to read Also the Spanish monarchy was one filled with scandal and insanity which made for other interesting reading However a family tree could have been beneficial to illustrate the interbreeding and the insanity that resulted. A dark historyz zip Overall I liked this book Some aspects could have been improved upon but I believe it was a great find and well worth the buy and the read 1905704909 I m a psych major so I found this very interesting in learning about the mental illness that plagued the earlier monarchs I actually also used it as part of my research into Elizabeth Bathory for one of my courses Very informative and a pretty quick read Lots of pics for those who like that kind of thing 1905704909 I was a history major in college and I always found the struggles of the monarchy to be fascinating In class you hit the highlights but if the royalty in question didn t start or end a war or something equally dramatic they were pretty much left out the conversation While this book does cover Elizabeth Bartoldy and Vlad the Impaler it also covers many royals you ve never heard of The book loses steam in the last few chapters which cover the modern era the dark history read like tabloid scandals Still it was well researched and well written Some of the salacious bits will make for great random trivia to inject into faltering dinner conversations 1905704909 I love these Dark History books I quibble mentally as I read them about items like poor editing he was born London England like really You have no editors just spell check And I mentally argue about listing bisexuality in a long list of sins committed by a ruler as if it were one of them he indulged freely in cannibalism torture murder of children bisexuality and burning peasants alive in their huts this is an extremely loose quote but the gist is absolutely accurate Also I argue with including a monarch among these insane debauched torturing incestuous madpeople because of gender confusion i. Dark history of nursery rhymes e she wore men s clothes and went into battle Surely she does not deserve being given a chapter among Vlad the Impaler and Elizabeth Backory aka the Blood Countess And remember this inclusion is made by a 21st century editor and writer So cultural norms of ye olde days aside today in 2008 the editors of this book made these selections All that said I absolutely love these books They are the Star magazine of history and I unashamedly wallow in them 1905704909 Kisah Kisah Gelap dari Monarki Monarki EropaJudul Sejarah Gelap Para Raja dan Ratu EropaPenulis Brenda Ralph LewisPenerbit Elex Media KomputindoCetakan Pertama 2013Tebal 252 halaman ISBN 978 602 02 1963 9Harga Rp98. The dark side book series 80000Jas merah jangan sekali kali melupakan sejarah Demikian ungkapan Bung Karno yang sangat terkenal Memang sepatutnya sejarah tidak boleh dilupakan karena sejarah bisa dijadikan cermin dari kehidupan masa lalu Bila sejarah itu baik maka dapat dilanjutkan atau bahkan ditingkatkan di zaman sekarang Apabila sejarah itu buruk maka itu menjadi pengingat bahwa kejadian yang sama tidak boleh terulang kembali. A black history poem Akan tetapi sejarah juga banyak dimanipulasi semata demi kepentingan dan keuntungan pihak yang berkuasa Untuk itu banyak kejadian di masa lalu yang dibelokkan atau malah disembunyikan rapat rapat Untuk mengungkap sisi sisi gelap sejarah dibutuhkan nyali yang besar sekaligus keberanian yang meyakinkan Hal demikianlah yang dilakukan Brenda Ralph Lewis lewat buku ini Penulis produktif yang sudah menerbitkan lebih dari 70 buku ini dengan berani mengungkapkan sisi sisi gelap sejarah para penguasa Eropa yang penuh skandal berbahaya misteri dan banjir darah. A black history person Misalnya pada abad XVI ada Elisabeth Bathory salah satu anggota dari keluarga Protestan terkaya dan paling berpengaruh di Hungaria Polandia dan Transylvania Elisabeth adalah wanita yang sangat berpendidikan Ia mampu membaca dan menulis dalam bahasa Hungaria Yunani Jerman dan Latin Sebagai perempuan yang memiliki kecantikan sejak lahir Elisabeth tumbuh menjadi wanita yang angkuh dan sibuk dengan kecantikannya sendiri terutama kemulusan kulitnya Di samping itu Elisabeth memiliki sifat pemarah yang meledak ledak dan sifat sadis murni Suatu ketika ia menampar seorang pelayan yang berbuat salah dan tamparan itu menyebabkan hidung pelayan mengeluarkan darah yang terciprat ke tangan Elisabeth Ia mengira melihat kulit tangannya yang terkena cipratan darah seperti meregenerasi kembali. A dark history of tea Atas kesimpulan itu Elisabeth membunuh pelayan itu lalu mandi darahnya selagi hangat Cara itu kemudian menjadi ritual yang dilakukan Elisabeth secara berkala Ia membunuh ratusan gadis belia dan menggunakan darah mereka tidak hanya untuk mandi tapi juga untuk diminum Ia bahkan menyantap daging para korbannya setelah menggigit payudaranya hal 33 Karena kekejamannya itu Elisabeth dijuluki sebagai The Blood Countess atau Countess Berdarah. The dark valley history Di Wallachia sekarang bagian Rumania ada Louis XV yang disebut sebagai raja durjana terhebat di Eropa karena kegemarannya memelihara banyak gundik Bahkan Louis XV mendirikan Parc aux Cerfs sebuah rumah prostitusi di dekat Istana Versailles Pada akhirnya hal itu mempengaruhi kepopulerannya di hadapan rakyat Ia dibenci rakyatnya karena ketidakmampuan mengelola uang dan perilakunya yang bejat dalam kehidupan seksual hal 55. The dark history podcast Pada abad XVII XVIII raja raja memang dibolehkan memiliki gundik sebagai hadiah penghiburan dan ganti dari kewajiban yang harus mereka laksanakan untuk patuh menjalankan pernikahan yang sudah diatur dan menghasilkan pewaris pewaris takhta Praktik semacam ini dimaksudkan untuk mempertahankan garis keturunan dinasti yang murni dan untuk menjaga agar kekuasaan kekayaan halusinasi dan kekerasan yang mengerikan Hal yang mengenaskan dari penderitaan ini adalah beberapa orang dari keluarga keluarga ini menyadari dirinya sedang terperosok ke dalam jurang kegilaan dan terombang ambing terlebih dulu dalam gelombang kegilaan yang pasang surut Penderitaan lain adalah penyakit hemophilia atau penyakit pendarahan mengerikan yang mengguncang dua keluarga kerajaan Eropa dan menghancurkan banyak kehidupan. The dark side unit test essay Di samping itu ada pula kisah Leopold II raja culas dari Belgia yang berambisi memperluas wilayah kekuasaan hingga menyamai imperial imperial besar Ialah yang mengomandoi penjajahan dan pembantaian serta eksploitasi brutal yang nyaris merupakan genosida rakyat Kongo demi mengeruk hasil buminya hal 219 220. A black history person Lucunya sebagai tiran Leopold II adalah penderita hipokondriasis yang secara patologis mencemaskan kesehatannya dan melakukan hal hal ekstrim untuk menjaga kesehatannya tersebut Ia selalu panik bila ada orang yang bersin di dekatnya karena takut tertular Leopold melarang ajudan yang sakit berada di dalam istananya Hal itu membuat para ajudan Leopold kerap berpura pura jatuh sakit demi mendapatkan libur hal 222. The dark history books Selain itu terdapat pula kisah kisah mengerikan dan skandal miring lainnya mulai dari pembantaian Ksatria Templar oleh Philip IV sampai karut marut kehidupan keluarga kerajaan Monaco saat ini Semuanya dipaparkan lengkap disertai ilustrasi menarik berupa foto maupun lukisan. A dark history of tea Peresensi Thomas UtomoBekerja sebagai guru SD Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto UMP Menulis di sejumlah media antara lain Annida Story Koran Jakarta Suara Muhammadiyah Potret Radar Banyumas Satelit Post Sang Guru Fatawa Nikah dan NU Online. The dark history podcast Sigh 1905704909 Interesting subject and an easy read but not totally reliable The author presented many stories as facts when in reality they are based on speculation and gossip Additionally I didn t like the random insertion of stories about related family members They seemed haphazardly placed and were often inserted mid sentence 1905704909 This edition 2017 of Brenda Ralph Lewis Kings Queens of Europe The Dark Secrets of Europe s Monarchies includes The Kings Queens of England which has previously been published as a separate book The author provides information about some unsavory events which had taken place when particular rulers were in power For example King Leopoldo III 1901 1983 was never forgiven by the Belgian people for the death of his wife the extremely popular Queen Astrid who was a former princess of Sweden in a car accident in 1935 when he was driving the car The author also mentions Ludwig II of Barvaria who was declared insane and removed from the throne Ludwig II was known for the magnificent castles he built such as Neuschwangau and Linderhof She also devotes a chapter to The Mayerling Tragedy which discusses the murder suicide of Crown Prince Rudolf and his mistress Baroness Maria Vetsera in 1889 The section on the Kings Queens of England includes questions on the death of William II or William Rufus one of the sons of William the Conqueror information on the Plantagenets War of the Roses through Prince Charles Princess Diana s relationship There are illustrations and photographs that are quite interesting This book covers many areas such as politics the World Wars rather than someone actually wanted to show case interesting figures in history as they were in an academic and respectful lighting 1905704909 After reading this book it becomes quickly apparent why Europe has fostered both World Warstheir historic leaders just haven t been all there so to speak The oven was on but the bread wasn t cooking If you want to get a neat summary of some of the worst European royal personalities then this is an excellent book to make your start There s Don Carlos of Spain one of the insane and deformed Hapsburg nutballs who loved torturing animals and little girls His own father had him killed which was a mercy A good example of the horrors of in breeding The Germans and French are well represented here also but not the Brits I m sure the Sceptered Isle has its own book devoted just for those special nuggets of tea and murder, The dark history podcast Resensi ini juga ditayangkan di 1905704909 Interesting royal gossip covering much of Europe multiple kingdoms empires duchies etc. A dark history of tea Unfortunately the author listed bisexuality as a mental disorder and continually uses gy y like it s the proper name for the Romani peoples and not a slur.Book Season Autumn nutbuckets 1905704909

A Dark History: The Kings and Queens of Europe By Brenda Ralph Lewis
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