Sometimes I Don't Love My Mother By Hila Colman

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And Ellen immediately wanted to go home because she felt sad about seeing Mr and Mrs Waters together because it made her think of her husband Hank Then it was Christmas time and Ellen wanted to just skip through Christmas day because it made her think about Hank After Christmas Dallas friends wanted to go on a ski trip and wanted her to go with them But Ellen didn t think that it was a very good idea for them to go alone so she wanted to go with them but Dallas didn t want her to because she wanted to be with just her friends Dallas decided to go and Ellen went with her and made Dallas stay in the same hotel room with her Dallas also has a boyfriend named Victor and he was also on the ski trip and at thanksgiving and Christmas When Ellen says I don t think you kids should be going alone on this ski trip.


This could be a really good book for you English i really liked the book i felt the way the daughter felt i also felt for the mother which was brilliant of the writer to make you feel the way the character feel and to have thempathy for them and to wish if you can go there and fix their essues looking forward to read anthor book by Hila Colman English finally i did it I finish this novel am so glad about that right now it my first book in english i had ever finish reading it i know i late to do that alot but i don t care _ i think i should buy some white cake to my self _ it the first but won t be the last _ in shaa allahthe novel was fine not bad and not waaw in the sam time.


The book I read is called Sometimes I don t love my mother by Hila Colman The book is about a 17 year old girl named Dallas who s dad gets sick and dies and it s just her and her mom Her mom feels lost and always wants to be around Dallas but Dallas doesn t always want to be around her When Dallas would have her friends over her mom Ellen was always around trying to do everything that Dallas and her friends were doing because she felt alone It was around thanksgiving time and Dallas and Ellen were invited to thanksgiving dinner with their family friends The Waters Dallas gets upset with her because all Ellen wants to do is be around Dallas 24 7 and Dallas wants to be with her friends without her mom being around ALL THE TIME and I think that it really upsets Ellen because she just wants someone to be around and that person is Dallas I also think that Dallas is annoyed with Ellen because she won t let her go on the ski trip alone with her friends I would recommend this book to someone who likes suspense It has a lot of SUSPENSE I would totally recommend this book If you put your mind to sitting down and just reading a book easy and has a point English

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A seventeen year old shocked and grieved by her father s sudden death tries to cope with her mother s consuming dependence Sometimes I Don t Love My MotherBorn in New York Colman attended Radcliffe College where she honed her writing skills before embarking on a literary career.Colman also wrote under the pseudonym Teresa Crayder.Sometimes I Don't Love My Mother.