Kiedy mówisz. When You Say By Jan Twardowski

Kiedy mówisz. when you say book in english

Gifted from my grandfather 10 years ago enjoyed these poems a lot which was a surprise given how irreligious i am 8308030645 This is the second collection of poetry by Jan Twardowski that I have been able to track down in English And I believe there are only the two Which after reading these two I consider a great pity I picked up these volumes for a few reasons First Jan s grandniece recommended his poetry to me She is the confirmation sponsor of my oldest daughter Second our parish has been staffed by Polish Pallottine Fathers and I want to pass a copy of the book on to our priest Third just from the bit I gleamed about Father Twardowski trying to track down some of his work in English was inspiring And finally because the first volume I read.

Kiedy mówisz. when you say book review

Keep onlove with a heart conditionand see how pureThe version from Serious Angel TREES ARE NON BELIEVERSEvery single tree is a non believerbirds do not learn religion at alla dog very seldom goes to churchthey really know nothingyet so obedientinsects under bark do not know the gospeleven white caraway most silent along the pathcommon field stoneslike crooked tears on a facedo not know Francisciansyet so poorrighteous stars do not want to listen to my sermonlilies of the valley on the edge therefore lonelyall mountains quiet and as patient as faith various loves with cardiac defects yet so pureThere are similarities between the two translations but even based on titles a different feel And yet both are wonderful reads I do prefer the second though The translators names are at the end of each poem The team of translators is Stanislad Baranczak.

Kiedy mówisz. when you say book review

Can have a change of heartand simply believe in Himfrom all this wondermentABOUT A SPARROWI don t know how to write about churchabout the prayer tents over masses and altarsabout the clock that devours usabout the saint with his hair clipped like grassabout windows that toss butterfliesinto the house small multi coloured shipsabout moths whose dark breath blackens candlesabout the eye of Providenceabout Holy Mother s hair of warm windabout those who are sorry even before they sinbut about someone hiding in the shadowswho suddenly sticky with tears and hot like Julywalks away transformed into the tender heart of a violinand about you unruly sparrowwho stunned with gracefell headlonginto the holy waterEXPLANATIONI did not come to convert youand anyway all the wise sermons have fled from my headI was stripped of all shine long agolike a hero in slow motionI won t pester you with what you think of MertonI won t jump around during discussionlike a turkey with a red wattle on its noseI won t grow handsome like a drake in OctoberI won t dictate tears that will confess to everythingI won t spoon holy theology into your earI ll simply sit beside youand confide my secretthat I.

Kiedy mówisz. when you say book review

A priesttrust God like a childQUAILYour call is always loudestat dawn and at sunsetisn t it true that there are only two pure momentsthe early bright one and the one at darkwhen God gives day and when He takes it awaywhen someone wanted me and when I m no longer neededwhen someone loved me and when I m left alonewhen I m being born when I diethose two seconds that always comeone light the other darkso honest they re both nakedso beyond us we no longer areWHEN YOU SAYDon t cry in your letterdon t write that you ve been kicked by fatethere is no situation on earthy without a way outwhen God shuts the door He opens the windowbreath out and lookfrom the clouds come fallingsmall great misfortunes needed for happinessand from simple things learn calmforget that you are when you say that you loveThis is an excellent collection of poetry spanning much of his career I am thankful the name Jan Twardowski was mentioned to me And will keep my eyes out for of his works in the future to be translated into English This is an excellent collection It is well worth the read if you can track it down And I hope the poems I sampled inspire you in your own examination of the world.

Kiedy mówisz. when you say book pdf

Serious Angel was an excellent read I wish of his works were available in translation This book was according to the publishers site has been through at least 4 editions and printings And I am very thankful I was able to track one down The description of this volume is A selection of the poems of Father Jan Twardowski a creator of religious poetry full of spiritual order and simplicity valued by readers. Kiedy mówisz. when you say book summary Selection of poems by father Jan Twardowski a poet admired for his spiritual peace and simplicity of his religious poetry The authors note at the end of the volume states I sometimes ask myself these three questions Who am I writing To Whom am I writing What do I think of my own poetry I do not keep a journal My experiences emotions meetings with the world and with people are recorded in my poems. Kiedy mówisz. when you say book of life Poems are a kind of conversation in which the author is trying to convey some of his personal experience of the world I am writing as if I were speaking to a close friend for me a poem is an attempt to get to in touch with another person I would like to get through to everybody out there and I am pleased that my poems are also appreciated by people living outside the Polish sphere who understand them through their own language. Kiedy mówisz. when you say book summary As a priest I live in two different worlds at a time in the external one which the media present as contaminated false grisly and governed by human sin and in the internal one which is defined by people s confessions and avowals I know that a man who parts company with God is in torment Both believers and non believers have a cross to bear I constantly strive to write better In Today s world we constantly come across work often by the most renowned minds of our time which is contaminated with despair with relativism with lack of faith with materialism with postmodernism In this world a religious poem might seem weak too muffled Yet the unheeded readers are out there those who are looking for hope truth authenticity and do not follow the day s fashions I am trying to speak faith in this world devoid of love Poems redeem that which has been trampled upon They contribute what is human and heartfelt to a computerised technicised world what has not been contaminated by hatred envy and bickering Poems bring along orderliness and harmony They purify today s reality. Kiedy mówisz. when you say book in english I do not like to provide ready interpretations of my writing and leave the judgement to the reader The selection proposed in this volume is and excursion through the redeemed world of mine in which suffering need not be a misfortune but rather a test of faithfulness towards a mystery and death is an encounter with God who is love This volume is an excellent collection of 71 poems of which only 7 had previously been published in English I read through this collection over a few mugs of coffee A couple of times I thought about some of the poems I read previously in Serious Angel and one in particular struck me because of the great differences in translation between the two versions From this volume FAITHLESS TREESOne by one all the trees non believersbirds refuse to study religionthe dog rarely goes to churchthey really don t know anythingand see how obedient insects under the tree bark know nothing of the gospelseven the white caraway so meet in the pastureordinary field stonestears plowing the skin have never heard of Saint Francisand see how poorthe stars refuse to hear my sermonsso does the humble lily of the valley all too familiar alonethe peaceful mountains that like faith Clare Cavagnah Zovia Blaszczyh Myrna Garanis Malgorzata Koraszewska Sarah Lawson Anna Mioduchowska and Maya Peretz In the publishers note we ae informed that the selections span from 1937 to the year 2000 Most are drawn from the source volumes And the 7 that previous appeared in English we are provided the sources There are many excellent poems in this volume I picked my 5 favourites to share as a sampling they are LEARN HOW TO WONDERIn church learn how to wonderthat the Holy Host is so smallit could hide within the little hands of the girl in white shortest of them allyet before it crowds sink to their kneesburst out crying confessthat boys with berry black tongues shirtlessto spite grandmothers rushthrough the church s half open doorand awed at the church s solemnitysuddenly hush. Kiedy mówisz. when you say book pdf And think how astonishing that God was once not a kingbut a child with a mother like usSo many mysteries dogmasmartyrs sinners like Judasand yet always new believersThat one without a single prayer and maybe to give this volume a try, Kiedy mówisz. when you say book review There is a lack of religious poems today and that need is revealed by the very fact that it has been suggested to publish some of them: Kiedy mówisz. when you say book of life Note This book is part of a series of reviews 2022 Catholic Reading Plan 8308030645

Kiedy mówisz. When You Say By Jan Twardowski
kiedy mówisz. when you say book pdf
kiedy mówisz. when you say book of life
kiedy mówisz. when you say book in english
kiedy mówisz. when you say book summary
English Polish translation Original Polish Kiedy m wisz When You SayKiedy mówisz. When You Say.