Would You Rather...? Overstuffed: Over 1500 Absolutely Absurd Dilemmas to Ponder By Justin Heimberg

Would You Rather...? Overstuffed: Over 1500 Absolutely Absurd Dilemmas to Ponder By Justin Heimberg
The comic phenomenon known as the Would You Rather series finds its ultimate expression in this enormous compilation of deranged dilemmas than 1500 in nearly 500 pages accompanied by zany illustrations games and comedic riffs Authors Justin Heimberg and David Gomberg draw on everything from movies and music to food and drink in this collection that s perfect for groups parties or the lone reader who wants a good laugh Would You Rather Overstuffed Over 1500 Absolutely Absurd Dilemmas to PonderJustin Heimberg graduated from Duke University in May 1995 After college he along with co author David Gomberg spent many months in a beach house where the first Would You Rather Plume book was born Heimberg an idealistic comedy writer makes his living as a child advocate in Washington D.C.Would You Rather...? Overstuffed: Over 1500 Absolutely Absurd Dilemmas to Ponder.