War Star Rising: Legend of Toucan Moon By ZooDoc

War starring jason statham

War Star Rising: Legend of Toucan MoonI started out writing stories for my kids when they were small After dinner we would sit in a circle on the living room rug and the kids would plead Read us a story Daddy That got me hooked on story telling. War starring jason statham I learned the power of the pen the hard way When she was only twenty my daughter Iris became suicidal after being diagnosed HIV positive To give Iris courage to press on despite her death sentence I wrote a short story called Legend of Toucan Moon in 1993 I started out writing stories for my kids when they were small After dinner we would sit in a circle on the living room rug and the kids would plead Read us a story Daddy That got me hooked on story telling. War starring jason statham I learned the power of the pen the hard way When she was only twenty my daughter Iris became suicidal after being diagnosed HIV positive To give Iris courage to press on despite her death sentence I wrote a short story called Legend of Toucan Moon in 1993 It was an inspirational piece about a young Maya princess who develops a sickness in her head and is told that she must travel alone through the dangerous jungle in search of the cave of the Wise One to discern the remaining number of her days In the process Toucan Moon not only saves the life of a handsome young prince she manages to prevent a terrible war between their fathers. War starring jason statham Iris loved the story It seemed to give her renewed vitality to not only go on with her life but to do good for others with the remaining time she had here on this earth. War starring jason statham At her funeral on April 28 1998 the Orange County California church was filled with people many of whom stood up during the service and testified about the good deeds that Iris did for them. War starring jason statham After that I became determined to expand the short story into a novel called War Star Rising The Legend of Toucan Moon as a tribute to my brave young princess It would be my platform for speaking to other young people about the dangers of thinking they are invincible The young adult novel was published in September 2008. War starring jason statham Everyone kept saying the story would make a wonderful movie so I adapted the novel into a screenplay and entered it in a writing contest with Writer s Digest and the screenplay won an award. War starring jason statham ZD site_link There are many legends that could be told about the life and times of the ancient Mayas But the one that s most compelling and most touching is the Legend of Toucan Moon in War Star Rising Lan Sluder Belize resident and Editor Publisher of Belize First Magazine www. War starring jason statham com and a Belize Travel Writer says War Star Rising is fast paced well researched and full of authentic detail This is a ripping tale of adventure and romanceand a roaring good read It recreates the time long long ago when the Maya ruled MesoAmerica ZooDoc s book probes the mysteries and romance of this exotic yet somehow familiar culture If you ve ever dreamed of jaguars and jungle if you ve ever wanted to travel back in time to the Land of the Maya if you have a speck of romance in your soul this will be a book you simply can t put down. War starring jason statham a must read Bravo ZooDoc War Star Rising Legend of Toucan MoonToucan Moon a Maya girl is adopted for her courage by the king during a human sacrificial ceremony Rather than rest in her improved circumstances the new princess challenges the limitations of her station as she works to improves the lives of all Mayans. War starring jason statham Through imaginative writing the author drops us into an exciting civilization in a jungle atmosphere We can picture ourselves in colorful cottons decorated with gems and feathers as we recline at a delicious feast with the sounds of jungle all about The writing is innocent and naive definitely aimed at the young reader and we peer into the minds of various characters including animals The story contains the type of fantasy one would expect in a legend. War starring jason statham While the legend invites us to park our skepticism at some of the events I get downright practical when it comes to people navigating the jungle at midnight without getting lost or running into objects And I don t know how they would see enough sky to appreciate a sunrise or sunset. War starring jason statham The research into Maya culture is obvious The characters are many with Mayan names Fortunately the author includes a list of characters with a pronunciation key This adds greatly to the enjoyment of a charming story ZooDoc Glowing orange eyes of the black devil watch over the young princess Toucan Moon as she takes a mythological journey to the wise one for answers Confronting cruel enemies of her step father and the terror of black jungle nights alone do not deter her in her quest She lives in a mazelike Mayan fortress wears an exotic crown of quetzal feathers necklaces of turquoise and carries a pack filled with poisoned darts for protection We care about her as she lives out the centuries old the legend of a Mayan princess brave enough to speak out against human sacrifice If you like being in the heart of an exotic savage world filled to the brim with adventure and romance this tale will satisfy www. War starring jason statham I guess I really got the story telling brain from my dad because the above description is exactly how things were at home when we were kids: War starring jason statham My mom was a song writer in the 1960s not famous though a famous person by the name of Al Martino recorded most of her songs, War starring jason statham I guess I really got the story telling brain from my dad because the above description is exactly how things were at home when we were kids: War starring jason statham My mom was a song writer in the 1960s not famous though a famous person by the name of Al Martino recorded most of her songs.belizefirst.LindaBallouAuthor.com Wai nani High Chiefess of Hawaii ZooDoc

War Star Rising: Legend of Toucan Moon By ZooDoc