Good Taste Gone Bad: The \ By Mitch OConnell

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Attention cocktail crowd Looking at Mitch O Connell s illustrations is like appreciating a dry martini clean crisp retro And you can almost smell the hair spray from all those beehive hairdos in this book Good Taste Gone Bad is a collection of the best O Connell illustrations designs and comics Be hip Read this book Simple Good Taste Gone Bad The Mitch O Connell was one of the earliest lowbrow art finks I remember seeing in the early Nineties He doesn t really get much attention and it s too bad because his art s very funny He does the whole Wolf In The Top Hat leering at Betty Page while Satan tears off in a 66 Camaro through a Drive In Theatre Barbie s necking in with Ken while Bizarro Lois Lane bites into a hot dog giving Speedy Alka Seltzer the horrors There s a whole lotta shakin goin on here 0963976206

Good Taste Gone Bad: The \ By Mitch OConnell
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Good Taste Gone Bad: The \.