Direct Cinema: Observational Documentary and the Politics of the Sixties (Nonfictions) By Dave Saunders

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I think my undergraduate thesis had critical thought throughout than this historical regurgitation under the guise of film studies 9781905674169 At times a bit opaque but overall an enticing overview of majors movements ideologies and personas in the cinema v rit revolution of Sixties documentary filmmaking 9781905674169

Direct Cinema: Observational Documentary and the Politics of the Sixties (Nonfictions) By Dave Saunders
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Direct Cinema is the first comprehensive study of the direct cinema movement of 1960s America Through the inquisitiveness of filmmakers such as Robert Drew D. Direct tv cinemax channel number A Pennebaker and Frederick Wiseman and predicated on innovations such as portable cameras and synchronized sound direct cinema intimately documented presidential campaigns through the revelers of Woodstock and the dispossessed subjects of Wiseman s reality fictions This volume recovers these vastly influential yet politically underappreciated films suggesting they represented a resurgence of America s home grown philosophical tradition inextricably bound up in the artistic and political impulses of the 1960s Direct Cinema Observational Documentary and the Politics of the Sixties Nonfictions Direct Cinema: Observational Documentary and the Politics of the Sixties (Nonfictions).