Russian Proverbs \u0026 Sayings By Peter Mertvago

A comprehensive Russian English sourcebook on Russian proverbs this reference contains proverbs and their literal or free English translations Ample cross referencing for proverbs on related subjects is included as is a handy English proverb index The 1900 most common and important proverbs are marked by an asterisk Russian Proverbs u0026 SayingsIt s a book mostly for translators so it lacks much context and several are not given translations but rather analogues That said there is some good stuff buried in here Love is not a potato you can just throw out the window A beard is no substitute for eyesGod made two evils tax collectors and goatsThere were enough regional variations on common ones to make it worth my while having missed summer to go to the woods and get rasberries but probably not worth while to someone not specifically looking for things like there 477

Russian Proverbs \u0026 Sayings By Peter Mertvago
Russian Proverbs \u0026 Sayings.