The Alexander Technique By Wilfred Barlow

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The Alexander Technique is certainly an interesting concept and Matthias Alexander a person one wants to meet But Wilfred Barlow s writing has its flaws The book is split in two parts a theoretical which makes up about 2 3 and a practical which covers the last third For a medical layman like myself it is a difficult treatise to digest but I believe even for physicians Barlow s writing is a challenge Although I truly believe that Alexander s observational findings and his teaching can help man to improve and heal himself I found that the explanation of the technique and its practical application was far from comprehensible Probably because Barlow Alexander s son in law and trained by him for many years takes both the Alexander Principle body USE AFFECTS body FUNCTIONING and the technique for too obvious and thus fails to make himself properly understood I therefore award the book only 3 stars My main take aways are partly in the foreword by Nikolass Tinbergen where he speaks on autism and the alexander technique What Alexander has discovered is that a lifelong misuse of the body muscles such as caused by for instance too much sitting and too little walking can make the entire system go wrong As a consequence reports that all is correct are received by the brain or perhaps interpreted as correct when in fact all is very wrong A person can feel at ease for example when slouching in front of a television set when in fact he is grossly abusing his body I can do no than characterize and recommend the Alexander treatment as an extremely sophisticated form of rehabilitation or rather of redeployment of the entire muscular equipment and through that of many other organs Compared with this many types of physiotherapy which are now in general use look surprisingly crude and restricted in their effect and sometimes even harmful to the rest of the body Barlow explains the sedentary life as the main cause for wrong use The young child instinctively moves and explores and communicates as soon as it wakes and it will continue to do this until it is tired Or until it has been rebuked or restricted into a stillness that is socially convenient Such restriction is an inevitable feature of school life and eventually the growing child may well be sitting at a desk for hours on end in a class with forty other children Most of the children in the classroom will be sitting in a collapsed state with the trunk supported through the elbows and shoulders The sedentary life has begun We are witnessing a widespread deterioration in USE that beings at an early age and that present educational methods are doing little to prevent Most people have lost good USE by the time they are past early childhood Nobody notices it until the defects have become severe The Alexander Principle suggests that by getting our USE in the right order there is a chance of a new personal evolution There is no reason to suppose that we are born with a perfectly ordered set of pre existent natural reflex patterns and that by refraining from interfering with them all will be as well as it can be The next step in our evolution has to be learned by each one of us Personal selection has to replace natural selection. The alexander technique ebook download The Alexander Technique seems to have a big overlap with Alexander Lowen s bioenergetics but compared to this form of body mind therapy which has its roots in Freund s psychoanalysis and found its way from the mind to the body through Wilhelm Reich s insistence that true changes in mental health can only be achieved by working on the patient s muscular armor Reich was the first Western psychiatrist who broke the taboo of physical therapist and patient interaction his disciple Lowen refined that approach and created a sophisticated therapy which perceives the human body as storage of emotional memory I have the impression that the Alexander Technique arrives at quite similar conclusions but from the approach of a medical laymen who tried to heal himself in order to pursue his artistic career It thus lacks the insights of psychoanalysis but is in its analytical depth even so admirable because it did not draw on the teachings and writings of generations of medical doctors Wilfred Barlow

The Alexander Technique By Wilfred Barlow
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The Alexander Principle proposes a different way of living and of seeing one s life It states that there are certain ways of using your body which are better than certain other ways that when you reject these better ways of using your body your functioning will begin to suffer in some important respects The Alexander technique tries to teach you how to associate a new sequence of thought with a new manner of using the body The Alexander TechniqueThe Alexander Technique.