A Song for Silas (A Place Called Home Series Book 2) (English Edition) eBook : Wick, Lori By Lori Wick
Kindle A Song for silas weir
Amy thought love would never pass her way again She didn t know how close it wasuntil she met Silas He is an answer to prayer for her injured father Grant Nolan who welcomes him with open arms The brotherly way Silas feels toward Amy soon turns to deeper feelings of love. A Song for Silas pdf Silas longs to have his love returned But his sensitivity to Amy s reluctant heart and the loss of her old flame keeps him from harboring false hopes for their future As Silas prepares to leave will Amy discover the truth about her heart before it s too late A tender story of the flowering of hidden love and the nurturing of faith in the farmlands of Wisconsin A Song for Silas A Place Called Home Series Book 2 English Edition eBook Wick LoriIt was so good to have an easy read book without all the foul language Formato Kindle Copertina rigida Copertina flessibile I like the book a lot I will tell family and friends about this seller Formato Kindle Copertina rigida Copertina flessibile Another beautifully written uplifting book of a place called home series Book 3 is waiting to be read as well as book 4 Formato Kindle Copertina rigida Copertina flessibile LikedUsed for personal use Formato Kindle Copertina rigida Copertina flessibile I ve read one other Lori Wick series and it was amazing This book was not a disappointment I love how she switches characters but keeps the ones from books before in the story I did enjoy a place called home a little but this book was amazing too 10 10 would recommend Formato Kindle Copertina rigida Copertina flessibile
A Song for Silas (A Place Called Home Series Book 2) (English Edition) eBook : Wick, Lori By Lori Wick |
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