Sixteen-year-old Lex Bartleby is a teenage grim reaper with the bizarre ability to damn souls. That makes her pretty scary, even to fellow Grims. But after inadvertently transferring her ability to Zara, a murderous outlaw, Lex is a pariah in Croak, the little town she calls home.

To escape the townspeople’s wrath, she and her friends embark on a wild road trip to DeMyse. Though this sparkling desert oasis is full of luxuries and amusements, it feels like a prison to Lex. Her best chance at escape would be to stop Zara once and for all—but how can she do that from DeMyse, where the Grims seem mysteriously oblivious to Zara’s killing spree?

The Valorim are about to fall to a dark lord when they send a necklace containing their planet across the cosmos, hurtling past a trillion starsall the way into the lunchbox of Tommy Pepper, sixth grader, of Plymouth, Mass. Mourning his late mother, Tommy doesn't notice much about the chain he found, but soon he is drawing the twin suns and humming the music of a hanorah. As Tommy absorbs the art and language of the Valorim, their enemies target him. When a creature begins ransacking Plymouth in search of the chain, Tommy learns he must protect his family from villains far worse than he's ever imagined.

"Ho scritto questo libro perché mi sentivo come un granello di sabbia in balia del vento. Alla mia età, avevo paura di non resistere. Ma prima di cedere volevo capire perché spesso nella mia vita avevo avuto paura. E volevo capire le ragioni non solo della mia paura, ma anche della paura degli altri. E desideravo infine comprendere perché così spesso la paura mi rendeva aggressivo e perché l'aggressività mia e la prepotenza degli altri erano strettamente intrecciate. Mi domandavo, in sostanza, qual era il rapporto fra la paura, l'aggressività e la violenza scatenata dai miei simili nel corso dei millenni".
Un libro scritto da Danilo Zolo per capire dove e quando nasce la paura, se la lotta per l'esistenza comporta sempre e comunque scontro e conflittualità, qual è il posto occupato dalla politica nella gestione della paura e dell'insicurezza degli uomini, e infine il ruolo della paura nel mondo globalizzato, con le sue guerre e la diffusione in ogni angolo della terra di una crescente precarietà e della sopraffazione dei ricchi e potenti sui poveri e deboli. Ma lo sguardo di Zolo non è di rassegnazione, di resa, bensì di "pessimismo attivo": ci insegna che fino all'ultimo non bisogna rinunciare a lottare contro l'universo sconfinato della follia umana.

Scholastic's next multi-platform mega-event begins here! History is broken, and three kids must travel back in time to set it right!

When best friends Dak Smyth and Sera Froste stumble upon the secret of time travel -- a hand-held device known as the Infinity Ring -- they're swept up in a centuries-long secret war for the fate of mankind. Recruited by the Hystorians, a secret society that dates back to Aristotle, the kids learn that history has gone disastrously off course.Now it's up to Dak, Sera, and teenage Hystorian-in-training Riq to travel back in time to fix the Great Breaks . . . and to save Dak's missing parents while they're at it. First stop: Spain, 1492, where a sailor named Christopher Columbus is about to be thrown overboard in a deadly mutiny!

Tansy Brock was named after a flowering herb so hearty it could flourish anywhere. That name and a rusty old Gibson guitar were her grandmother's legacy. But the talent to write beautiful ballads and foot-stomping tunes was all her own. So when she was only sixteen, wide-eyed and innocent, Tansy hitched a ride to Nashville. In this authentic portrait of the country music capital of the world and of a poor country girl's rise beyond her dreams, Irma Walker gives us the story of every woman who ever yearned for success and love.